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SNL's Leslie Jones Explains What Went Wrong in That Failed Chris Rock Sketch

By Dustin Rowles | Saturday Night Live | December 10, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Saturday Night Live | December 10, 2014 |

Leslie Jones is an amazing beam of light on this years’ otherwise uneven season ofSaturday Night Live. Earlier this week, I wrote about my adoration for the newest (and oldest) cast member on the show, and yesterday, she held a Reddit AMA.

She was incredibly fun, but there weren’t that many revelations in the AMA. Her dream hosts are James Spader and The Rock. She says, despite evidence to the contrary in his sketches, that Kyle Mooney is not weird at all, but a very cool, normal guy. She also says that one of her biggest turn ons is a man who takes out the trash every once in a while. Also, just as she does on “Weekend Update,” she likes to call Colin Jost names around the office, like “you sexy bastard.”

Someone did muster up the courage to ask her about the failed Chris Rock sketch, which many are calling the worst of the year (or all time), and she explained what happened:

It was the first sketch I ever did. I got confused with stage direction, and literally did not know what color I was on the cue cards, so I just froze! Hey people, it’s live TV, and the experience has made me a better performer. AND took away the fear of being in sketches!

It was her first sketch. She got confused. It happens. No need to suggests, based on one sketch, that she’s “not the right choice for the show,” right

I also liked three of her other answers:

Who wins in a fight between Colin Jost and John Mulaney?

Colin Jost. Colin Jost has firefighter in his blood AND he’s from Staten Island. PERIOD.

The hardest she’s ever laughed in the writers’ room:

The first time I heard “Pornstars!” It was the Jonah Hill episode. “One time I thought I banged Seal Team Six… but it was actually just sixteen seals. I was like, ‘Thanks, America!’” I remember I made them keep that joke in there!

And on how she found out she’d been made a cast member:

Literally, just walked into Lorne’s office and he said, “Hey, we’re just going to make you into a cast member.” And I said, “…who?!”

Source: Reddit