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'Saturday Night Live' Adds a New Cast Member

By Dustin Rowles | Saturday Night Live | August 31, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Saturday Night Live | August 31, 2015 |

With a new season — the 41st — of Saturday Night Live quickly approaching, it looked as though there would be no major (or even minor) changes to the cast during the offseason. To the dismay of some, that meant Michael Che and Colin Jost sticking around on the “Weekend Update” desk (although, I have made my peace with that, given the difficult of the job).

With the season premiere fast approaching, SNL has now added a new featured player. He’s 25, and his name is Jon Rudnitsky.

I have no idea who that is. He’s a stand-up comedian, a graduate from USC, he’s white, and he’s pretty. He’s also pretty good on Twitter, and he’s one of the guys behind this:

Let us hope he’s not the next Brooks Wheelan.