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Kristen Wiig 'Had the Time Of Her Life' with Harry Styles at the 'SNL' After-Party

By Dustin Rowles | Saturday Night Live | December 22, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Saturday Night Live | December 22, 2014 |

How great is Kristen Wiig? After crashing Amy Adams’ monologue on Saturday Night Live over the weekend (and appearing as Kat in “Garth and Kat” on “Weekend Update”), the 41-year-old Wiig stepped out on the dance floor at the SNL after-party with 20-year-old Harry Styles of One Direction fame.

But it’s perfectly innocent, EXCEPT FOR THE GROPING.

Mr. & Mrs. Claus @harrystyles #kristenwiig

Een video die is geplaatst door Gavin Doyle (@savethesociety) op

via Vulture