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Here Are the Donald Trump 'SNL' Promos NBC Has Already Pulled

By Dustin Rowles | Saturday Night Live | November 5, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Saturday Night Live | November 5, 2015 |

Cecily’s face in the screenshot above says it all, doesn’t it?

Donald Trump will be hosting Saturday Night Live this Saturday, and I’m going to an Amy Schumer show that night, so when I return around 1 a.m. to watch and recap SNL, I’ll probably be more pissy than I usually am while recapping SNL. It is my grandest hope, however, that the big surprise of the night is that he’ll use the monologue to drop out of the race, thus avoiding any of these potential equal-time issues with the FCC.

Until then, however, he apparently does have to abide by FCC rules for the SNL promos, which means he can only appear in them for four seconds. Trump made a reel of 8 promos this week, but SNL has already pulled three of them, one of which includes Trump calling Ben Carson a “complete and total loser.”

Given Ben Carson’s beliefs on Egyptian pyramids, it’s not an entirely incorrect assessment, and I’m already beginning to wonder if much of the rest of the Republican field is being pulled so far into crazytown that Trump is beginning to sound like one of the more sensible ones.

You know how George H.W. Bush kind of feels like a centrist to us these days (especially now that he’s taking jabs at Cheney and Rumsfeld)? And you know how George W. Bush seems almost reasonable compared to the field that the GOP is pushing this election season? Imagine a future in which Trump seems like the sane one. That shifts sneaks up on us gradually, folks, until we’ve just accepted it, like the erosion of our privacy rights.

Here’s those promos (sorry about the autoplay).

via The Wrap