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Did 'SNL' Lift their Muhammad Sketch from the Canadian Comedy Show '22 Minutes'?

By Dustin Rowles | Saturday Night Live | May 10, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Saturday Night Live | May 10, 2015 |

Look, I have no idea if the writer of the sketch, Win Lose or Draw Muhammad from the Canadian sketch comedy show, This Is 22 Minutes is now a writer on SNL or loaned his idea to SNL or if they have some kind of sharing agreement (?!), and I don’t want to throw around the word plagiarism when I do not know all the facts, and I’m sure that the idea is general enough that it may not technically be plagiarism, and it’s even possible that SNL came up with the same idea independently, but ….

… a commenter of ours, Andrew, suggested that SNL stole the premise in their Picture Perfect sketch from a CBC sketch a 22 Minutes sketch called “Win Lose or Draw Mohammed. If you watch the two sketches, they are virtually the exact same joke (the CBC sketch is from January. It’s also shorter, and also funnier).

Here is Win Lose or Draw Muhammad.

Here is SNL’s Pitch Perfect. Same premise, same result.

Hat Tip: Andrew