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Reddit Asks the Question: 'What Are Your Worst First Date Stories?'

By Petr Navovy | reddit | August 29, 2023 |

By Petr Navovy | reddit | August 29, 2023 |


It’s quite a boring thing to say, but I’ve been fortunate enough to never really have what would generally be considered a ‘bad date’ (I mean, as far as I know, I guess it’s possible that the other involved parties might beg to differ?!). My conception of ‘dating’ as a whole is definitely on the looser, less formal side of the spectrum. I think in general that’s true for this side of the Atlantic, where for a lot of people it often just means popping down the pub, or maybe—if it’s a special date and you feel like mixing things up—that fancier pub a bit further down the road. Or maybe it doesn’t, what do I know; I’ve been with my partner for almost five years, so the ‘dating scene’, such as it is or to whatever level I might have been involved with it once, feels like a hazy thing from a very distant past now. Sadly, then, I couldn’t contribute when Reddit asked the question: ‘What are your worst first date stories?’, though I did immediately think of that Donald Glover stand-up bit: ‘Why don’t women have crazy men stories? I don’t really hear them. And then I realized, it’s because if you got a crazy boyfriend, you’re going to die.’ You can check out the full thread here, but below are some highlights:

by u/_fancypansy from discussion What’s something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?
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by u/Awkward_Ad8740 from discussion What’s something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?
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by u/TallCommunication302 from discussion What’s something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?
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by u/Pastel-Demon from discussion What’s something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?
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by u/ragnarok62 from discussion What’s something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?
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by u/Crackedin5ths from discussion What’s something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?
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by u/Richard_Thickens from discussion What’s something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?
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by u/Pale-Garlic5523 from discussion What’s something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?
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by u/RVBY1977 from discussion What’s something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?
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by u/callmevicious from discussion What’s something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?
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by u/GreedyNovel from discussion What’s something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?
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by u/azorianmilk from discussion What’s something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?
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by u/Holiday_Horse3100 from discussion What’s something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?
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by u/Turnbob73 from discussion What’s something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?
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by u/Snoo_79693 from discussion What’s something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?
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by u/Dune_Asmr from discussion What’s something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?
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by u/TemperatureMore5623 from discussion What’s something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?
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by u/garagehaircuts from discussion What’s something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?
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by u/shattered_kitkat from discussion What’s something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?
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by u/DopeCharma from discussion What’s something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?
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by u/EpicPenguinSharks from discussion What’s something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?
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by u/Usual-Reason-7748 from discussion What’s something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?
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by u/Sea-Vast-8826 from discussion What’s something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?
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by u/i_heart_kermit from discussion What’s something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?
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by u/Majestic_Ring_3440 from discussion What’s something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?
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by u/J-Dizzle42 from discussion What’s something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?
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by u/realbasilisk from discussion What’s something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?
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by u/Sol-Blackguy from discussion What’s something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?
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by u/OriansSun from discussion What’s something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?
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by u/4Ever2Thee from discussion What’s something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?
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by u/doodlewacker from discussion What’s something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?
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by u/whitneywestmoreland from discussion What’s something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?
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by u/Ok_Airline7121 from discussion What’s something that happened on a first date that made you decide against a second date?
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