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Boris Johnson Bute House Getty.jpg

#BackDoorBoJo: Scotland Tells Boris Johnson Exactly Where To Stick It

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Politics | July 30, 2019 |

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Politics | July 30, 2019 |

Boris Johnson Bute House Getty.jpg

We aren’t very far into Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s reign of terror over our fair isles, but already we are descending into the fieriest pits of hell. What, you thought it was a coincidence that the country reached record high temperatures when he entered office? Ha.

Boris is now attempting a charm offensive around the country as a way to prove what a uniting political force he is, which is like saying Charles Manson was a great community leader. Yesterday, he received his frostiest reception as he paid a visit to Scotland’s First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, at Bute House in Edinburgh. Ah, the motherland. It’s times like this I feel especially patriotic.

Boris has never been popular in Scotland, even as the Scottish Tories gained a foothold in the country’s political scene, in large part thanks to their current leader, Ruth Davidson. Boris is the man with a history of anti-Scottish comments and a general disdain for the nation, even more so than typical Tories.

As a pro-Brexit, anti-independence PM, Johnson has to try and make the case that the country is better off as a whole out of the EU and free of nationalism. Well, free of Scottish nationalism. He’s fine with the toxic version of English nationalism that race baits and drives up xenophobic sentiment in his favor. He won’t get very far if he’s too much of a coward to meet protestors. He was seen leaving Bute House out the back door to avoid the boos.

This led to the Twitter trending topic of #BackdoorBoJo and other variants.

Don’t let the back door hit you on the way out, Boris.