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Anxious Trump Supporters Stayed Up Until 4 am Waiting for Wikileaks' Promised #OctoberSurprise

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | October 4, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | October 4, 2016 |

Over the weekend, Julian Assange and Wikileaks began teasing a big “October Surprise” that would end the Clinton campaign, a surprise that Trump supporters were frothing at the mouth over.

However, the “big” announcement was cancelled, but then ultimately rescheduled until 4 a.m. this morning based on “specific information.”

Conservative twitter was in a frenzy. It was meant to be their Christmas morning.

Conservative Twitter was bloodthirsty. There was murder in their eyes. I also admit that the bedwetters among us, though we were loathe to admit it, were terrified by what Wikileaks would release. How bad would it be? Would it really take down the Clinton campaign? Could it be so bad that Trump became a better alternative?

In the end, however, the conservatives got trolled by Julian Assange. That huge announcement? It was actually an event celebrating the 10th Anniversary of Wikileaks.

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When Assange finally appeared via livestream, it was to announce that Wikileaks would never make such a huge announcement at 3 a.m. in the United States, but that Wikileaks would continue to publish weekly documents related to Google, arms, and the election. He also asked for donations to continue funding Wikileaks.

However, there was no October Surprise.

Conservative Twitter could not have been more disappointed.

In fact, Assange continued to burst their bubble by putting to rest the notion that he hates Clinton.

“There’s been a lot of misquoting of me and WikiLeaks on this,” he said. “In this case, the notion that I hate Clinton or that I intend to destroy her. All those are false. They come about because her defenders are trying to personalize our publications.”

That statement, of course, prompted conservative Twitter to suggest that someone had gotten to Assange.

For now, we can breathe easily. In fact, what’s more terrifying right now than Wikileaks may actually be the fact that Russian hackers have probed state voter registration systems in more than 20 states.