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Trump Sticks His Foot in Mouth, Press Secretary Shoves It All the Way Down His Throat

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | November 27, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | November 27, 2017 |


Today, while honoring Navajo Code Breakers, “your favorite President” used a racial slur for no reason whatsoever while also standing in front of a portrait of Andrew Jackson, who signed the Indian Removal Act.

When this happened a couple of hours ago, I didn’t even bother. I mean, what else can you say? I am not shocked. Who is shocked? No one is shocked! This is what we’ve come to expect from Donald Trump, and we’ve also come to expect that it will dominate the news cycle for three hours and it’ll never be mentioned again.

But, let’s at least let Elizabeth Warren say her piece.

What really galls me is how Sarah Sanders — clearly flustered — tries to inelegantly defend Trump while somehow making everything worse. Asked why Trump felt the need to say something offensive to many people, Sanders shot back, “I think what most people find offensive is Senator Warren lying about her heritage to advance her career.”

What? Why is she bringing Elizabeth Warren into this now, too? No one was finding that offensive today! People were finding the use of a racial slur that insults the very people Trump was honoring offensive.

Asked if Trump “lacks decency,” Sarah Sanders danced around the question. Then asked if it is “appropriate for the President to use a racial slur,” Sanders said “I don’t believe that it is appropriate,” but then followed it up by saying that she doesn’t think “[Pocahontas] is a racial slur.” And you know who should definitely be making determinations about what is and is not a racial slur? Uh, not Sarah Sanders.

Bonus Sarah Sanders:

Anyway, here’s how you do it, folks. Here’s your moment of Zen: