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This Hillary Clinton Email Shows What a Crooked Monster She Truly Is

By Courtney Enlow | Politics | November 1, 2016 |

By Courtney Enlow | Politics | November 1, 2016 |

We’ve all heard about The Emails and how they are bad and you’ll be Benghazied if you don’t forward them to seven FBI agents before midnight. But have you actually read these emails? Do you even know how truly terrible they are?

See for yourself.

It’s real. You can read it right here.

Nujood Ali was just 9 years old when her parents entered her into an arranged marriage to a much older man. He raped her regularly and she was beaten by her in-laws. She wrote a book about her life, proceeds of which were taken by her father, as was money that had been earmarked for her education (he used that money to buy two wives).

And Hillary Clinton wanted to help her get a better life. What. An. Asshole.


ADDING: Jesus Christ. LITERAL MONSTER. (Thank you, Cree83 for posting!)
