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The Trump Administration Continues to Illustrate How Painfully, Brainlessly Tone Deaf They Are

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | October 30, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | October 30, 2018 |


I’ve been incredibly heartened by the outpouring of support for the Jewish community in the wake of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting on Saturday. Mrs. Pajiba-hyphenate has been helping to organize a vigil here in my city, and they had to change the venue for it yesterday to accommodate all the people who are expected to come now. It is a horrific tragedy that has had the remarkable effect of bringing people together in one of the most divisive periods of American history.

Not for nothing, but the Muslim community has been one of the most supportive. Muslim Americans have raised $150,000 through crowdfunding for the victims of the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh. This is not unusual. After the Charleston, S.C. shooting, the Muslim community in America raised money to help rebuild 8 Black churches that were burned in the wake of that shooting. I remembered also that Muslims in the San Antonio area paid tribute to the victims in the Sutherland Springs church shooting, although sadly, it took me a minute to wade through the conspiracy theories about the shooter being Muslim before I could locate that story, and in the meantime, also spotted a story where a small Texas community put up a three-year legal battle to keep a Muslim cemetery out of its town. Also, another story where a Kansas man who plotted to blow up a mosque the day after the 2016 election is asking for a more lenient sentence because of his “‘early and avid support” of Trump, arguing that the climate in the months leading up to the 2016 election should be taken in account when evaluating the comments prosecutors used to build their case.” So, basically, he’s arguing that he was under the influence of Trump and could not be held responsible for his actions. It’s a bold strategy, Cotton, but it does also illustrate the power of Trump’s rhetoric to do harm.

Nevertheless, it’s really heartwarming to see how communities of all faiths have come together to support the Jewish community. That being said, this is really not OK:

For those of you who don’t know the exact import of that tweet, what’s happened here is that VP Pence had a fake rabbi from Jews for Jesus say a prayer for the victims of the synagogue shooting. And it gets worse. After briefly mentioning the victims of the shooting, the Jews for Jesus rabbi starts praying for REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES.

Just how screwed up is this? Here, take a look at a sampling of tweets:

And if that’s not tone deaf enough, the President has decided to visit Pittsburgh today against the wishes of the mayor and the Jewish leaders of the community, who worry that Trump will upstage their funerals. Trump doesn’t care.

He tried to get Schumer and Pelosi to join him, too, but they were like, “Nope. Nope. Nope.”