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The Midday Briefing: So, About that, You Dumb Sh*t

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | December 19, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | December 19, 2018 |


— So, as part of the dissolution process of the Trump Foundation, they must liquidate all their assets. This is my favorite tidbit:

What a dumb shit.

— Speaking of dumb shits, Rudy Giuliani is out there telling everyone that Trump did have plans to build a Trump Tower in Moscow but that he never signed a letter of intent. “It was a real estate project. There was a letter of intent to go forward, but no one signed it,” Giuliani said on Sunday. So, about that:

— The White House announced plans to pull troops out of Syria today. Trump tweeted that ISIS has been defeated there.

So, about that …

— A federal judge has reviewed dozens of complaints that were filed against Brett Kavanaugh. He called them “serious,” but nevertheless had to dismiss them because he’s now a Supreme Court justice and the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act does not cover the Supreme Court.

— Meanwhile, the Senate is expected to pass a bill that would fund the government and avoid a partial shutdown, at least until February. It does not provide Trump with funding for a wall. Trump will make vague threats not to sign it and then he will sign it.

— Finally, South Carolina is contemplating not holding a Republican primary at all in 2020 to help ensure that Trump does not get primaried by another GOP opponent. It’s total bullshit, but it’s not unprecedented. It does demonstrate, however, the level of concern that Republicans have about Trump’s ability to get re-nominated.