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The Dump Trump Movement Gains a New Head of Steam

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 10, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 10, 2016 |

Despite his denials to the contrary, yesterday Donald Trump encouraged guns’ rights advocates to murder his opponent, Hillary Clinton. Trump denies this. Trump’s campaign denies this. Nobody fucking believes him. The Secret Service is looking into it, although nothing is likely to come from that. It doesn’t matter. Ninety-five percent of Americans know exactly what he did, and while it may embolden his dwindling number of supporters, it’s another line crossed that’s going to marginalize even more in his own party.

This sort of threat, as Thomas Friedman writes, is the sort of thing that got Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin assassinated.

“People are playing with fire here, and there is no bigger flamethrower than Donald Trump. Forget politics; he is a disgusting human being. His children should be ashamed of him. I only pray that he is not simply defeated, but that he loses all 50 states so that the message goes out across the land — unambiguously, loud and clear: The likes of you should never come this way again.”

Late last night, Joe Scarborough — former GOP Congressman, MSNBC host and a man many considered to be a Trump flunky throughout the primaries — took to The Washington Post to call upon the GOP to dump Trump.

Trump and his supporters have been scrambling wildly all day to explain away the inexplicable, but they can stop wasting their time. The GOP nominee was clearly suggesting that some of the “Second Amendment people” among his supporters could kill his Democratic opponent were she to be elected … A bloody line has been crossed that cannot be ignored. At long last, Donald Trump has left the Republican Party few options but to act decisively and get this political train wreck off the tracks before something terrible happens.

In the article, Scarborough outlined the GOP’s need to denounce Trump and remove him from the party. The hypocrisy of Scarborough calling for Trump’s head is not lost, but this is how bad it’s gotten: A man who very much helped Trump achieve the Republican nomination is asking that he be removed.

Scarborough won’t be the last to call for Trump’s head. Former Republican Sen. Gordon Humphrey — an advisor to John Kasich — is also calling for Trump’s removal. One in five Republicans think that Trump should drop out of the race, and that was before yesterday’s assassination threat. Conservatives are calling for an invocation of Rule 9.

Those calls are only going to get louder, especially as prominent politicians insist that Trump lose his right to classified briefings.

Unfortunately, before the GOP can get to a point where they can replace Trump, they’re going to have to convince Paul Ryan to denounce him, which is not likely anytime soon, not after Paul Ryan “refused to entertain” any such notion last night, and blew off Trump’s assassination remark as a bad joke.

“It sounds like a joke gone bad,” Ryan said. “I hope he clears it up quickly. You should never joke about something like that.”

The entire campaign sounds like a joke gone bad.