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The Call Is Coming From Inside the Swamp

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | September 6, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | September 6, 2018 |


I have no idea who the Senior Administration Official is, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t care. I want to know, because the identity of the author is the only news here, honestly. He (and it’s probably a “he,” because there’s like three women in the entire White House) didn’t write anything we didn’t already know, that hasn’t already been revealed in several books and dozens of Politico and Axios pieces.

In fact, in an Axios piece today, two more “senior administration officials” reached out to say that the op-ed writer “took the words right out of my mouth.” Moreover, they added that Trump’s paranoia is off the charts, that he thinks there are “snakes” everywhere, and that he’s always looking to see who is behind him.

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We’re clearly working with an unhinged President, and as Senator Chris Murphy notes, this and the Woodward book are only going to increase his paranoia, make him even more unstable.

Mike Pompeo and Mike Pence both went to extraordinary lengths for men in their positions to deny that they were the senior administration official.

It doesn’t mean anything, of course. The person who wrote it will obviously deny it.

I think this is probably accurate:

But what does it mean that a senior administration official sees the writing on the wall? That multiple people inside the White House think that Trump is deranged and unstable? What the hell do we have to do in order to force these folks into action? To put their names on their accounts and pressure Congress to take action? To actually invoke the 25th Amendment instead of talking about it? Because all the talk only increases his paranoia and suspicion, making it even more necessary to invoke the 25th Amendment.

Also, doesn’t this sound just like when Dana Loesch suggested that Mueller was trying to Capone Trump?

Yeah. So?

Anyway, who from within the White House will stand up to the President? And what incentive does he have in putting his name down, because my guess is that the Right will throw him under the bus and the left will still suggest that he’s trying to save his own ass by jumping off a sinking ship.

But who will sink that ship?


The midterms are in 60 days. We’re just going to have to do this our own damn selves.