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Stephen Bannon Is On His Way Out (Finally)

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 18, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 18, 2017 |

After weeks (if not months) of rumors, and increasing pressure within the last week following his on-the-record/off-the-record interview with The American Prospect, Stephen Bannon has been removed from his position as Senior Advisor to the President. Or he will be removed, reports The NYTimes. Matt Drudge is reporting that he’s already out, but we waited for the Times to confirm:

Of course, Bannon — who represents the nativist/white supremacist/economic populist wing of the White House — will not be missed, although his ouster may cost Trump some support within his base of white supremacists and Nazi sympathizers. It may also see Bannon return to Brietbart and start a holy war with the “globalists” within the Trump Administration (I wouldn’t expect Trump and Bannon to have a falling out, however, because those two racists just get each other). This also means that Trump has one less friend within the Administration, but please do not let the President off the hook for his response to Charlottesville simply because he fired his most high-profile white supremacist sympathizer. Indeed, somehow — after this week — Bannon’s departure feels anti-climactic, like we’ve cut off the big toe of the cancer, but there’s still the rest of the body to contend with.

Here’s some Twitter reax: