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Social Media Unloads on Marco Rubio After His Embarrassingly Bad Football Analogy

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | November 14, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | November 14, 2018 |


A recount is underway in Florida for three elections, including the race for Governor and Senator. Conservatives — including the President — have alleged fraud and a number of conspiracy theories. Rick Nelson has used his power as the Governor to send in police officers to oversee ballot counting, and the Scott campaign has filed a number of lawsuits, but neither the police nor the courts have found any evidence of fraud, ballot stuffing, or manufacturing votes, as conservatives have contended.

Basically, provisional ballots are being counted, and additional ballots have arrived from overseas, largely from service members (oh, and apparently one heavily Republican county allowed some of its citizens to vote by email, which is illegal).

At any rate, despite no evidence of fraud, it hasn’t stopped Republicans from crying foul in the hopes of undermining the results, and perhaps even creating the possibility that — should Bill Nelson pull off a win in a recount — the Senate seats the Republican Rick Scott, instead.

In an effort to sew those seeds, Marco Rubio used an NFL metaphor in a tweet last night that both illustrates how little Rubio understands how elections work and how little he knows about football. As a Republican. In Florida. That’s a little like living in Maine and eating a lobster roll with hot lobster on a regular hot dog bun like an animal (or someone from Connecticut).

Terrible analogy. Twitter let him have it, and the responses to it are the reason why I’m still on Twitter.

Personally, I liken the GOP in all of the midterms to a fantasy game where almost all members of the Republican team played in the 1:00 games and came out ahead by 5 points but all they had left was their kicker in the 4:00 games and the Democrats still had Patrick Mahomes and Todd Gurley in the afternoon games, and every morning the Republicans wake up and see that the Democrats have scored another touchdown and the game they once thought they had in hand has spiraled out of control and now all they can do is pray that Adam Vinatieri can kick 12 field goals with 30 seconds remaining in the fourth quarter of the Colts game while the coach berates reporters, fires his staff, and coaches from the tunnel because it’s drizzling outside (I think my metaphor may have gotten away from me there).