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Social Media Pummeled Spineless Mitt Romney After He Accepted Donald Trump's Endorsement

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | February 20, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | February 20, 2018 |



Yesterday, Donald Trump endorsed Mitt Romney for Senate in Utah. This is the rare smart thing for Donald Trump to do because Mitt Romney is a lock in Utah. In November, when the Democrats sweep the House in a wave, Donald Trump will at least be able to say that Mitt Romney won in Utah because of his endorsement.

What’s insane, however, is that Mitt Romney accepted Trump’s endorsement, when it was the last thing that Romney needed to ensure his victory. Utah may be the only state where an anti-Trump Republican could actually win, which makes it all the more ridiculous that Romney is playing pals with a man he has not spoken well of in the past.

Huh. Interesting, Mitt, because he hasn’t stopped saying or believing those things. In fact, he’s only been more vocal about his bigotry.

And it’s not like Donald Trump has a history of saying nice things about Romney.

It’s all very dishonest and spineless of Mitt Romney to accept Trump’s endorsement, not that we’d expect anything less from Mitt Romney. Social media, as it does, pounced on Romney for his flip-flopping and his hypocrisy.

I wish I could say that it matters, but it probably doesn’t. Romney, according to the latest poll, is up 64 to 19 percent over his Democratic opponent, Jenny Wilson.