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Sarah Palin is Profoundly Dumb

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | April 15, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | April 15, 2016 |

“Bill Nye is as much a scientist as I am. He’s a kids’ show actor, he’s not a scientist.”

— Sarah Palin, during a screening of Climate Hustle, a documentary by climate change-denier Marc Morano.

Reality: Bill Nye has a degree in mechanical engineering from Cornell. He has served as executive director of the Planetary Society. He was part of the design team behind sundials that were used in Mars Exploration Rover. He developed a hydraulic pressure resonance suppressor for the Boeing 747.

The statement was clearly an honest mistake. Sarah Palin was probably confusing Bill Nye with:

1) Mr. Wizard — Real-name Don Herbert, Mr. Wizard was neither a wizard nor a real scientist. He was mostly an actor with some general science knowledge.


2) Sid the Science Kid — Was neither a real kid nor a scientist.


3) Steve from Blue’s Clues — Steve was not a scientist, nor was the dog real.


4) Mrs. Doubtfire — Euphegenia was neither a nanny nor a woman.


5) Josh Saviano — Saviano neither grew up in the 1960s, nor did he later become Marilyn Manson.
