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Samantha Bee Is Pissed, and She Is 'Done with This Shit'

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | May 10, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | May 10, 2018 |


Last November, Samantha Bee had former NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman on her show, and during the course of her interview with him, she depicted him as a superhero of women’s rights. She hasn’t removed the video in light of the accusations against Schneiderman, but she has changed the title.

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Last night, she also spent the first minute of her broadcast telling Schneiderman to go fuck himself. Repeatedly. But she was just getting started because then she went off on all the serial sexual abusers who have made overtures about returning.

Before coming back, however, Sam offered this advice to men like Matt Lauer, Harvey Weinstein, and Charlie Rose (who she said slipped her the tongue while she was on his show): “Ask yourself, have all the women I’ve nonconsensually shown my penis to come forward in the press? If the answer is no, go away. If the answer is yes, also go away.”

And to these men trying to make a comeback?

“As long as you want to keep playing whack-a-mole from hell, it is my solemn promise that I will keep picking up the metaphorical hammer to slam you back down and remind you that you have not yet done anything to earn our forgiveness. So take your millions of dollars and pay a therapist to care about how tough it’s been to be caught as an abuser because honestly, I don’t give a shit.”

She ended the segment with this: “The future is female, or at least it better be, because I am done with this shit.”