By Mike Redmond | Politics | October 29, 2018 |
By Mike Redmond | Politics | October 29, 2018 |
There’s a direct line between the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting and Donald Trump’s bullshit fear-mongering about the “migrant caravan” that’s still two months away from America’s border because it’s predominantly women, children, and the elderly on goddamn foot. By every objective standard, it is a minimal to non-existent threat to national security, particularly in light of domestic terrorism, which continues to drop American bodies left and right. So naturally, our president abandoned his blatantly transparent election stunt that has already caused one mass shooting by sending an additional 5,2000 troops to the Mexican border. Wait, what?
NBC News reports:
Gen. Terrence O’Shaughnessy, the commander with the U.S. Northern Command and North American Aerospace Defense Command, announced the decision at a news conference and said the deployment, called “Operation Faithful Patriot,” is to “harden the points of entry.”“We know border security is national security,” he said. “The president has made it clear that border security is national security.”
The troops will be a mix of active duty, reserve and National Guard forces and will support thousands of border patrol agents already deployed to the area. There also are already more than 2,000 troops at the border.
O’Shaughnessy said troops that are normally assigned weapons will have them at the border.
Jesus Christ.
For those of you keeping score at home, that is 2,200 more troops than America currently has stationed in Iraq because everyone knows women pushing children in strollers demands a larger military presence than the Middle fucking East. But don’t take my snarky-ass word for it, here’s Shep Smith from a little network called Fox News breaking it down.
Via Splinter:
Tomorrow, the migrants, according to Fox News’ reporting, are more than two months away. If any of them actually come here. But tomorrow is one week before the midterm election, which is what all of this is about. There is no invasion. No one is coming to get you. There is nothing at all to worry about. When they did this to us, got us all riled up in April, remember, the result was 14 arrests. We’re America we can handle it. But, like I said, a week to the election.
You see, despite the fact that ol’ Shep works for a network that’s used the term “invasion” over 60 times to describe the migrant caravan, according to CNN (Fox Business used it 75 times, and surprise, most of it was Lou Dobbs), large gatherings of immigrants enter the U.S. all the fucking time.
A journalist, Justin King, beautifully explains how the GOP’s fear-mongering about immigrant caravans is complete BS. Love
— Ricky Davila (@TheRickyDavila) October 28, 2018
There is absolutely nothing special about this particular caravan except for it happening during a midterm election season so Republicans can press the racist panic button that works so well among its base of good, wholesome Christians who skipped all those parts of The Bible about helping refugees like Jesus helping the poor and other commie shit.
Speaking of shit, all of the troop lovers out there will be happy to know that our men and women in uniform are clearly putting your tax dollars to good use by using their finely honed skills in 100 percent service to protecting freedom and democracy.
Some troops already at the border “are actually feeding and shoveling out manure from the stalls of the Border Patrol’s horses.”
— Frank Dale (@fwdale) October 29, 2018
So yah, this is a political stunt:
In closing, the next person who tries to say Mattis is keeping Trump in line gets punched in the dick, because the “Warrior Monk” just let the Mushroom Dick-in-Chief hurl 7,200 troops at a group of unarmed women and children so he can lock down your racist relatives who were going to vote Republican anyway. The Bush Administration was a neo-con nightmare that never met a war it wasn’t itching to start, yet it never went this fucking bananas.
Where does it end?