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Omarosa Releases Tape of Lara Trump Trying to Buy Her Silence

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 16, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 16, 2018 |


This tape seems like a biggrer deal than the previous ones, if only for the fact that it likely means that the Trump campaign has probably been offering similar deals — $15,000 a month or $180,000 a year — to departing White House staffers in order to buy their silence (and positivity) using money from small donors.

Is that why Sean Spicer has remained quiet? Or Reince Priebus? I mean, we’ve read dozens of stories about departing Trump staffers having difficulty finding jobs outside of the White House. Is the Trump campaign floating them with hush money? Like they did with Stormy Daniels?

It’s certainly not out of character for Trump.

As TMZ notes, the irony is particularly delicious here, as Omarosa was fired — according to John Kelly — for financial improprieties that called into question her integrity.

Isn’t it amusing how the most Trump-like folks — Omarosa, Stormy Daniels, Michael Avanetti — have also caused the most damage to his Presidency? And yet, he’s preoccupied mostly with Mueller.

Also, note: Omarosa used TMZ, a normally pro-Trump outfit, to release the tape. Is the fact that TMZ is running this noteworthy? Or did they just say, “Well, it was gonna run somewhere. It may as well be us”?

Source: TMZ