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RIGBY, No One Is Bullying Bernie Supporters, Rosario Dawson

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | April 25, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | April 25, 2016 |

For those of you who watched Silicon Valley last night, Gilfoyle and Dinesh coined the acronym RIGBY, for “Richard Is Great, But Y’know.” It was their way of creating a short cut prefacing their every complaint of their friend and boss, Richard, without going through the rigmarole of listing off everything they like about Richard before criticizing him.

For most Hillary supporters, RIGBY is very handy for how we deal with Bernie Sanders, who we love, but y’know. (For the sake of consistency, we’ll stick with RIGBY instead of BIGBY).

RIGBY, the vehement Bernie Brothers can be really irksome.

RIGBY, why does every Hillary supporter only have one sign in their yard while Bernie supporters have six?

RIGBY, while it’s good that you’re staying in the race (despite a small chance of winning) because it keeps Hillary on her toes, could you maybe not damage her candidacy too much, because she does still have to face Trump in the fall. Don’t give Trump a bunch of soundbites he can run in his anti-Hillary ads.

RIGBY, Hillary supporters are not bullying Bernie supporters, as Rosario Dawson not only suggested, but invoked Lewinsky in doing so.

“We are literally under attack for not just supporting the other candidate,” Rosario Dawson said while introducing Bernie Sanders at a rally. “Now, I’m with Monica Lewinsky with this. Bullying is bad. She has actually dedicated her life now to talking about that. And now, as a campaign strategy, we are being bullied, and, somehow that is O.K. and not being talked about with the richness that it needs.”

RIGBY, woah now, Rosario. I mean, I have seen Hillary supporters express disappointment and frustration with the “Bernie or Bust” camp, but most Hillary supporters are not the bullying, in-your-face types. Based on my observations in social media, it’s the Bernie supporters doing the shouting down. Hillary supporters are more, “I’m with her,” and less, “Fuck that guy.” Also, we’re more low key because we’re mostly under the impression that she’s got this. She doesn’t need her supporters to bully anyone.

And that Lewinsky business? Listen, that’s a card you can play against Bill, but don’t play Lewinsky against Hillary. Hillary didn’t sleep with Lewinsky. Hillary had to deal with the grief of her husband sleeping with another woman. That’s some Trump bullshit right there. Hillary may seem unflappable, but she’s got feelings, and nobody wants to be reminded by someone supposedly on the same side that her husband stepped out on her. That’s a Bern too far.

RIGBY, declining to speak about the reference was a little unfair, too. “Rosario is a great actress, and she’s doing a great job for us,” Bernie said, when asked about Dawson’s comment. “What our job right now is to contrast our views compared to Secretary Clinton. That’s what a campaign is about.”

I’m not sure how invoking the woman Hillary’s husband slept with “contrasts our views compared to Secretary Clinton,” but it felt a little cheap. RIGBY.