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Morning Briefing: The Evil Is Bottomless

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | July 6, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | July 6, 2018 |


— Remember that time the President of the United States — who has been accused of sexual assault by numerous women — made a racist rape joke at a Montana rally?

Ha! It’s funny because he has no idea how to use a 23andMe kit!

— There were kids in the audience, too. But don’t worry! They probably didn’t understand the rape joke. They came away with another message, entirely.

It’s a huge problem in Montana, y’all, where there are a whopping 6 people for every square mile of land and 2.89 percent of the population in Montana is Hispanic. If Trump doesn’t hurry up and build that wall, these Montana kids might actually see a real-life brown person more than once in their lifetimes!

— But those kids don’t have to worry about too many immigrants serving in the military, because the Trump Administration is quietly discharging immigrant recruits who were promised a path to citizenship through the military, and they are being discharged, often after having served for lengthy periods of time. America!

Ironically, many of those reservists with dentistry backgrounds could have one day served as dentists in Montana, where there is a chronic shortage of dentists and other healthcare professionals.

— Also in America: Over 3,000 children are still being detained and separated from their families (about 100 of which are under the age of 5), and now it’s even more difficult to reunite the families because the Trump Administration destroyed the records linking the children with their families. Talk about fucking evil. Ironically, DNA tests are being used in many cases in an effort to reunify children with the mothers. Does Trump have another #MeToo joke about that, too?

— And this, folks, is what it looks like when a daughter is finally reunited with her mother. Watch this. Share this. Show it to your in-laws. Don’t let Trump “other” immigrant families. They are not “monsters” or “animals” or “criminals.”