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Morning Briefing: Bernie Has Always Been Bernie

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | May 23, 2019 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | May 23, 2019 |


There’s not a lot going on in the world of politics … actually, scratch that. There’s a ton going on right now, but it all revolves around Donald Trump’s bad actions. However, it’s the Thursday before a long weekend here in America, and at this point, I can’t inject the Trump news straight into my veins anymore. I need to lace the arsenic with some Kool-Aid, so to speak, so here’s Seth Meyers helpfully running down the headlines, from the meeting with Democrats that Trump blew up yesterday, to Justin Amash’s call for impeachment, to straight-laced news anchors forced to use profanities in the Trump era.

You see that? I don’t even think Seth’s heart is in it right now, which makes me think of Jon Stewart, for some reason. He burned out before the Trump era. Can you imagine Jon Stewart having to force up a head of anger every single night for the last three years? I miss the guy, but he got out at the right time.

Meanwhile, this clip is actually a couple of weeks old, but I didn’t catch it until last night, and it is hilarious. Trevor Noah dug through the public-access archives of Bernie’s old show in Vermont. This is neither an indictment nor praise, but the man has been consistent over his career, in his politics, his look, and probably in how he treats kids. Bernie has four kids (one biological, and three step kids) and yet, he’s apparently never learned how to speak to kids like a human. WHY IS HE ASKING A 5-YEAR-OLD IF HE’S EVER TRIED COCAINE?

Anyway, this is truly hysterical, and Trevor is having a blast.