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Morning Briefing: Joe Biden Continues to Trip Over His Own Feet, While Sean Hannity Murders Irony In the Face

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | June 7, 2019 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | June 7, 2019 |


I think that we, in the Democratic Party, may have a problem in that many of the Joe Biden supporters are stubbornly and inexplicably loyal to the former Vice President, and — like Trump voters often do with Trump — have a tendency to double down in the face of criticism. Honestly, I think Bernie voters are the same. Supporters for both candidates made up their mind before the race even started, and it’s going to take a lot to move them off that wall. Seeing a few candidates drop out after the debates this summer might help, if only so that we can all consolidate our support behind an alternative to Biden and Bernie, or at least narrow the field down to the five candidates I anticipate will be the five still relevant come January: Biden, Bernie, Warren, Harris, and Pete (sorry, Cory and Kirsten, but I don’t think it’s happening).

Elizabeth Warren, at the moment, seems to be getting another good look from the media, and I think that she’s slowly but steadily gaining some momentum. Taking Biden to task over the Hyde Amendment earlier this week probably helped, especially since it pushed Biden into a very clumsy reversal last night. Just the day before, Biden had surrogates out defending his position on the Hyde Amendment, before caving after two days of intense pressure from Democratic opponents. He did not, however, attribute the reversal to political pressures, but rather to actions by Republican lawmakers, who are passing more extreme abortion restrictions. He also said that he makes “no apologies for the last position” just as he makes no apologies for authorizing George W. Bush to go to war in Iraq. Biden, sadly, is a guy like Trump who refuses to take responsibility, but similarly, a lot of older Democratic voters seem to value that in Biden, because we now live in a culture where “changing our minds” or “evolving” or “listening and learning” is seen as a weakness. It’s really kind of pathetic. And Biden is literally doing nothing except standing up there and telling voters to resign themselves to the inevitable. ‘Vote for me! I’m Uncle Joe! Also, what choice do you have?” Grin.

In either respect, another Presidential candidate (don’t worry, you will not be quizzed on his name) congratulated and called out Biden at the same time for his reversal:

Of course, that candidate then got called out by Obama’s former Press Secretary.

I do not support name calling or personal attacks, but I am just fine with Democrats taking issue with the positions of other Democrats. I’m not saying it’s time to get dirty, but it is time to get forceful.

Speaking of Warren, Trevor Noah did a great profile on her last night, and let me steer you toward the 1:50 mark, where — in 2005 — during Senate testimony, Biden gets very … condescending with Warren, back when she was a Harvard professor and Biden was a lackey for the credit card industry:

Dick move, Joe. Also, for those of you not sold on Elizabeth Warren for some reason, there’s a 2006 documentary called Maxed Out. Watch it. It’s fantastic.

In other news, in an effort to get Democrats to back off impeachment, Pelosi continues to push the idea that we should wait and indict him, instead, after he leaves office. I would love nothing more than to see Trump do a perp walk, BUT if Trump wins, the statute of limitations will run out on those potential indictments, and we’ll lose our chance to put him in prison, and there’s nothing that says we can’t impeach him and put him in prison, win or lose the impeachment process.

Of course, Trump doesn’t like the idea of going to jail. He had some choice words for Pelosi yesterday. “I actually don’t think she’s a talented person. I’ve tried to be nice to her because I would have liked to have gotten some deals done. She’s incapable of doing deals. She’s a nasty, vindictive, horrible person.” The transference, y’all, is real.

But there’s nothing as rich as this, from Sean Hannity:

Finally, I leave you with these words from Drew Magary over on GQ: “Voting Biden for president would make for a perfect microcosm of a political system, and the Democratic Party operating within it, that is designed to force you to accept that, in this country, bad choices are your only choice.”
