By Dustin Rowles | Politics | July 25, 2018 |
By Dustin Rowles | Politics | July 25, 2018 |
How about a good old fashioned morning briefing, folks, because there’s a lot of little whiffs of news we need to pick up this morning. For instance, Sean Spicer’s new book is FLOPPING except in one key category:
Amazon says Spicer’s book is no 1 in “Russian & former Soviet Union politics”
— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) July 25, 2018
— Speaking of Spicer, if you haven’t seen it yet, watch this BBC reporter hand him his ass.
A++ for the BBC’s @maitlis blasting Sean Spicer with the brutal truth about his role with Trump: “You have corrupted discourse for the entire world by going along with these lies.”
— Mark Follman (@markfollman) July 25, 2018
— Elsewhere, someone took a pick-ax to Donald Trump’s Walk of Fame Star, and that someone is a hero.
Donald Trump’s star completely destroyed along the Hollywood walk of fame.
— Ryan Parker (@TheRyanParker) July 25, 2018
— Here’s Meghan McCain on The View just flat-out melting down at the thought of socialism (and why does every jackass bring up Venezuela when socialism is mentioned? I don’t know a ton about Venezuelan politics, but it seems to me that they’ve tried a lot of forms of government, and nothing has worked)
I had a lot of fun watching Meghan McCain completely melt down at the thought of Democratic Socialists coming for her inherited wealth
— ð••ð• ð•£ð•¤ð•–𕪠(@dorseyshaw) July 24, 2018
— This is a novel strategy for Giuliani to take: Trump is not as bad as mobsters! “I got tapes even longer…how about 4,000 hours of mafia people on tapes? I know how to listen to them…This tape is clear crystal clear when you listen to it. I dealt with much worse tapes than this.”
Rudy Giuliani is on Fox right now defending Trump by citing his experience with mobsters: 'I've dealt with much worse tapes than this'
— Aidan McLaughlin (@aidnmclaughlin) July 25, 2018
Giuliani is defending the president of the United States by saying a tape of him talking about payouts with his shady lawyer is not as bad as those of MEMBERS OF THE MAFIA HE PERSONALLY PROSECUTED
— Jonathan M. Katz (@KatzOnEarth) July 25, 2018
— The number of lies that Giuliani delivered just last night based on that two-minute tape is astounding. 1) He continued to insist that Trump may not have known about McDougal’s claims; 2) he continues to insist — against what is pretty fucking clear on the tape — that Trump didn’t suggest Cohen use cash, that he said “No cash,” which is bullshit; 3) and his says that Trump “didn’t know about this transaction,” the very transaction that is being discussed BY Trump on the tape.
— Speaking of which, there will be more tapes, according to Cohen’s lawyer, Lanny Davis, who is stepping it up against Trump. What’s the end game here? I don’t know, but Michael Avanatti seems to believe that Cohen is angling for a pardon. Maybe? Or maybe Avanatti doesn’t like that Lanny Davis is getting all the attention now? I genuinely do not know what Cohen’s game is here. Other people believe — and I am among them — that Cohen has just straight up turned on Trump because he’s tired of being the whipping boy and because he knows that Trump is going to try and undermine his reputation (not that there’s much of a reputation to undermine).
— The Georgia state rep that repeatedly shouted the N-word on Sacha Baron Cohen’s show this weekend has finally decided to quit.
— Speaking of Georgia, Lucy McBath — a Delta flight attendant whose 17-year-old son was shot by a white man complaining that McBath’s son was playing his music too loudly — decided to run for Congress, and she won her primary in a special election last night. She’s running in the #GA06, which is where Jon Ossoff narrowly lost to Karen Handel in a special election last year. This race will also be close, and we’ll see if McBath can do what Ossoff could not.
— This is Facebook.
Infowars's Alex Jones accuses Robert Mueller of participating in child rape and pantomimed shooting the special counsel, but Facebook says that doesn't violate its community guidelines
— Graham Cluley (@gcluley) July 25, 2018