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Mitch McConnell's Repeal-Only Gambit Quickly Blows Up In His Face

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | July 18, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | July 18, 2017 |

After the repeal and replace bill, the AHCA, crashed and burned twice, Mitch McConnell (with the encouragement of both Trump and Pence) decided to push for a repeal-only option, an evil plan that would have taken healthcare away from 32 million people, increased premiums astronomically, and sent the insurance industry into a tailspin.

McConnell put that idea on the table last night, and within half a day, that plan was dead, too, acquiring the 3 GOP Senators needed to kill it:

Maine Senator Susan Collins is a no:

West Virginia Senator Caputo is a no:

Alaska Senator Murkowski is a no:

That’s the ballgame, even with only a 50 vote threshold (asshole):

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It wouldn’t have passed in the House, anyway:

Both Dem and Republican governors quickly came out against it, too.

Trump is left with only two options: Make Obamacare work, or “let it fail,” i.e., purposely tank it and the American healthcare system, which would benefit only Democrats running for office in 2018:
