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Mike Bloomberg Is Out

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | March 4, 2020 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | March 4, 2020 |


After a poor showing on Super Tuesday, Michael Bloomberg has made the unsurprising decision to quit the race, acknowledging that $500 million cannot transform a terrible Democratic candidate into an electable one. Bloomberg will endorse Joe Biden, who is the candidate he wanted to win before Bloomberg decided to get into the race because he didn’t believe Biden could pull it off. Super Tuesday was good for something.

Bloomberg’s withdrawal from the race will probably mean more than just an endorsement for Biden. He’s likely to pass along his entire data operation to Biden, as well as a lot of his staff. Should Biden defeat Bernie in the primary, it will put him in a better position to compete with Trump’s digital operation in the fall.

There are zero people sad about this development, not even most of the Bloomberg staff, many of whom I understand were paid through the fall.

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