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Jon Stewart Reflects on the Time Donald Trump Called Him a 'P*ssy' on Twitter

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | November 3, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | November 3, 2016 |

Remember when Donald Trump was a clown? When he was a laughing stock that no one took seriously, rather than the guy that might very well become the leader of the free world? And remember how Jon Stewart would mock him mercilessly and with mirth! Because why not? He wasn’t an actual threat. He was a joke! And Jon Stewart delivered the best punchlines to that joke.

If we really want to make America great again, take us back to 2013, when most of the country treated Donald Trump as he should be treated: As a farce who ate his pizza with a fork. Good times!

Now, not so good. But Jon Stewart — where are you when we need you, man?! — took to the stage this week at the 10th annual Stand Up For Heroes benefit and reflected back on his war with Donald Trump, specifically the time that Donald Trump tweeted this at Jon Stewart at 1:30 in the morning:

Three years ago, that got Donald Trump laughed at. Now, it would probably win him Iowa.

Here’s the story behind that tweet, for those who forgot. It also provides the origins for the “Fuckface Von Clownstick” nickname.

Dear God, I miss Jon Stewart.

via Splitsider