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John Oliver Buys More Airtime on Sean Hannity In Order to Speak Directly to Donald Trump

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | April 23, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | April 23, 2018 |


Last Week Tonight’s deep-dive segment this week is on the Iran deal, specifically why it is a terrible idea for Donald Trump to tear it up. Diplomats spent years on this agreement, and Trump thinks he can fix it with a few ALL CAPS tweets (I don’t think Trump is really interested in fixing it; I think he’s mostly interesting in finding an excuse to bomb Iran). It’s an imperfect agreement, but it contains this very important clause: IRAN CANNOT BUILD NUCLEAR WEAPONS FOR TEN YEARS.

It’s an insightful segment, as they all are, but if you’re only interested in the take-home message, you can watch the commercial that Oliver will air during Sean Hannity’s show this week in Washington D.C.

Jump to the 19-minute mark here to watch Catheter Cowboy explain to Trump, directly, why he shouldn’t pull out of the Iran Deal (or watch the entire segment, which begins with the question so many of us have these days: “Where is Jared?”)

I really can’t believe Fox allows Oliver to air these. Given the way things are going over on the Laura Ingraham Show, however, Oliver could probably buy up an entire episode’s worth of ad inventory for a song.