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Morning Briefing: Maybe Donald Trump Is Being Motivated by a Seething Jealousy of Justin Trudeau

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | June 11, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | June 11, 2018 |


Yesterday, a top Trump aide, Peter Navarro, said that “there is a special place in hell” for leaders like Justin Trudeau, who he said stabbed President Trump in the back. Justin Trudeau, of course, did NO such thing, although he did stand up to Trump (in a light, Canadian way), and it’s gained him a lot of favor, even among conservatives, back home in Canada. (I so wish I lived in Canada right now). German Chancellor Angela Merkel has weighed in, as well, calling Trump’s actions “sobering and a bit depressing,” while adding, “Sometimes I get the impression that the U.S. president believes that only one side wins and the other loses,” and really, that’s the crux of it, isn’t it? It’s not about getting the best deal for everyone involved; it’s about “winning.”

— Meanwhile, what is Mika Brzezinski trying to say here? Is she perhaps suggesting that Trump is jealous of Justin Trudeau because his daughter is more attracted to him than to her own father? Hmmmmmm.

Fox and Friends has since apologized for this gaffe, but I do appreciate even more that it came from Abby Huntsman, the daughter of the U.S. ambassador to Russia, Jon Huntsman. She knew what she was saying:

— President Obama (WE MISS YOU, BARRY) has been privately meeting with potential 2020 Democratic contenders to offer guidance, and among those who he has visited so far include Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Deval Patrick, and even Bernie. Among those who he has not yet visited? Kirsten Gillibrand, Cory Booker, and Kamala Harris.

— Here here we see just one example of the damage that Trump’s tariffs have caused our economy.

— This story is remarkable for the way in which it reveals what kind of person Donald Trump truly is: When he’s done reading a letter, memo, etc., he rips them into little pieces, even knowing that White House employees — who earn as much as $65,000 — have to spend their time piecing those letters and memos back together with scotch tape under the Presidential Records Act.

“We had to endure this under the Trump administration,” Young said. “I’m looking at my director, and saying, ‘Are you guys serious?’ We’re making more than $60,000 a year, we need to be doing far more important things than this. It felt like the lowest form of work you can take on without having to empty the trash cans.”

Tell me how Donald Trump and Scott Pruitt are not alike? The paper ripping is but one example of how they’re similar in their lack of respect for their staff.

— In fact, one reason that Trump hasn’t fired Pruitt — besides the fact that Trump is very fond of him — is that there is the possibility that Trump is hanging on to him in order to replace Jeff Sessions with Pruitt (Pruitt and Trump frequently commiserate about how much they hate Sessions) and then use Pruitt to fire Mueller. From NYMag:

The fact that Pruitt has Trump’s personal trust, and that the two commiserate specifically about Sessions, is evidence both that Trump is considering him as a candidate and that he is willing to join in his Saturday Night Massacre-style ploy. Indeed, it seems highly likely that Pruitt has already discussed the Russia investigation with Trump and given the president an indication of his pliability in the matter. (If you think either Trump or Pruitt would refrain from discussing the case out of ethical considerations, my response is hahahaha.)

— Trump meets with the leader of North Korea on Tuesday, which is actually Monday night in America. It’s going to be a one-on-one meeting, with no one else other than translators in attendance, so don’t expect to be able to trust what Trump says about the meeting, because both he and Kim Jong-un can literally say anything they want and they won’t be any way to prove otherwise. If it’s anything like those one-on-one meetings he had with Putin back at the beginning of his Presidency, however, he will say one thing, and Kim Jong-un will say another contradictory thing, but unlike Putin, Trump is not likely to let it go. He’ll get steamed about it if Kim Jong-un tries to frame it in a way that makes North Korea look better than the United States, so it should be fun!