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Impeachment Witness Called by the Democrats Stoops to Scandalous New Low!

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | December 4, 2019 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | December 4, 2019 |


During the impeachment hearings today, a professor of law and a constitutional scholar at Stanford, Pamela Karlan, weighed in on whether Donald Trump committed impeachable offenses. She believes he did. Professor Karlan also said something so horrible, so heinous, so terrible about Donald Trump’s son, that it elicited this reaction from Melania Trump:

In fact, much Trump twitter lost their mind over this HORRIBLE thing that Professor Karlan said during the hearing.

Rep. Matt Gaetz even called Karlan out during the hearing.

Good God! Given all the invective, Professor Karlan must have said something really terrible about Barron Trump, the President’s 13-year-old son. What kind of personal attack on a teenager did she deliver that upset these people so much?! I’m almost afraid to find out!

Wait, what? I don’t … she … uh … she … mentioned … his name?


I think it’s time to shut down these hearings. THE DEMO-RATS HAVE GONE TOO FAR! HOW DARE THEY! IMPEACH OBAMA.

Header Image Source: NBC