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Gov. Andrew Cuomo Arguing with Brother Chris on Live TV Over Who is Mom's Favorite is Perfection

By Kate Hudson | Politics | March 17, 2020 |

By Kate Hudson | Politics | March 17, 2020 |


How we all doing? I’ll be honest, I’ve seen better days! Like countless other people, I suddenly found myself without a significant source of income yesterday, so you know, that never feels great. I shed a few tears, made a few phone calls, and then just sort of went numb for a bit. I know I’m not alone in this situation, which kind of helps, but kind of doesn’t because that still doesn’t let me know how I’m going to pay my bills in the months to come. This is an unprecedented time, and I’m cautiously optimistic that some kind of bailout will be coming to the people instead of the stock market, but we’ll just have to wait and see.

That’s not why we’re here today, though. We’re here for a very simple, very pure exchange that anyone with a sibling will automatically recognize—arguing over who is mom’s favorite, and who is the bigger f*ckup in the family, among other things. We were so blessed to see this kind of exchange play out on national television, during a pandemic, between New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and (his little s*it brother, I mean, to him at least) CNN anchor Chris Cuomo.

There’s something reassuring to see one of the most powerful politicians in the country reduced to a sniping match with his little brother because you can’t not fall for their verbal traps, even if you know that’s exactly what they’re doing at the time. I am 35 years old. I consider myself a grown-up, but you had better believe that when one of my four siblings brings up how our dad likes them more (not true) or how I kicked a hole in the wall that one time was on purpose and not an accident (also not true) I will, without fail, engage every time with them. I can’t help it. Neither can the Cuomo brothers, apparently.

Do I think they were joking? Absolutely not. Do I think they would cut any one of us for talking to the other like they spoke to each other on live television? Absolutely. That’s just how siblings are, man. They can love and hate each other, usually at the same time.

It’s good to see that despite everything changing in our day-to-day lives right now, one thing is consistent, and that’s the eternal struggle and sh*t talking between siblings. Long may it reign.