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Former Trump Staffers Engage in Heated Baby Drama in Tabloids, Twitter

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 10, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 10, 2017 |

You guys remember Jason Miller? Skeezy dude who was a senior communications advisor to the President during the campaign and was eventually named the White House Communications Director during the transition. However, Miller had to withdraw from that position during the transition because of some personal issues, namely that he impregnated another Trump staffer, A.J. Delgado, while his own wife was pregnant (it should also be noted that Miller reportedly had sex with Delgado after visiting a Vegas strip club the night before Trump’s final Presidential debate with Hillary Clinton, although Delgado denies this).

Anyway, Miller’s child with his wife was born in January. Last month, his child with the woman he slept with after reportedly visiting a strip club in Vegas was born. According to Page 6, Miller and his wife were excited about the baby’s arrival:

Miller confirmed the birth of his child with Delgado and said his wife, astonishingly, had accepted the news. Miller said in a statement to Page Six, “My wife and I, along with our two daughters, are excited to welcome William into the world and into our family, and we appreciate the well wishes we’ve received from so many.”


This actually came as news to A.J. Delgado, who — back in January — congratulated Miller on the arrival of his new son by calling him the 2016 version of John Edwards.

Last night, Delgado also took issue with the Page Six report or even any suggestion that Miller and his wife were excited about the arrival of Miller and Delgado’s baby.

I guess that Page 6 didn’t really get the whole story, so Delgado now plans to tell her side to The Atlantic, so this drama will not end anytime soon.

Two years ago, this story would have dominated the news cycle for a couple of days. Now? It’s a blip. But at least it’s a blip that doesn’t put us in danger of a nuclear war.

In other news, I hate Jason Miller’s scrawny, overly trimmed goatee. Just grow a beard, man. That goatee is too damn small for your face.

via WashPo