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The Overlords Discuss #FakeMelania, The Tyson Zone, And How The Trump Presidency Has Made All Things Believable

By Jodi Smith | Politics | March 13, 2019 |

By Jodi Smith | Politics | March 13, 2019 |


Lainey linked to a newer #FakeMelania article in Pajiba Love the other night. Basically, the conspiracy theory that body doubles fill in for the First Lady at certain photo opportunities has been floating around the internet since late 2017.

Mike brought up the fact that Melania has a Secret Service agent on her detail who bears a more than passing resemblance to the First Lady.

Then we all laugh-cried at the idea that our President hiring a lookalike to accompany him to official engagements as his wife isn’t even close to the craziest thing his administration has done to create headlines. Nevermind that he would also allow the purported double to appear in public with Melania.

Then today, Trump seemingly gave more gas to the #FakeMelania conspiracy theorists with this tweet:

Let’s redirect for a moment. I want to talk to you about a phenomenon TK dubbed The Tyson Zone. Here is Steven’s synopsis:

It reminds me of Bill Simmons’ Mike Tyson insanity theory. Mike Tyson is so insane and has done so many crazy things, it is literally impossible to invent a story about him that’s too crazy to be plausible. That’s the Trump administration.

Now let’s come back to the Melania conspiracy theory. While I assure you that we don’t actually believe it — or do we??!? — the idea that it might be a legitimate hoax perpetrated for no reason by Trump and his administration does not surprise anyone on the Pajiba staff in the least.

Jodi: I would literally believe Trump is Kang and Pence is Kodos at this point.

TK: “Trump is kidnapping elves and using their magic to power his tanning booth.” Yup, I’d buy it.

Emily: “Trump’s Transportation Secretary has spent millions trying to engineer Pegasuses to ease air congestion.” Sure.

Jodi: “Trump is actually fourteen rabid crocodile babies in a skin sack.” Yup. What’s for dinner tonight?

Steven: “Trump sold a child to the Saudi royal family in exchange for a gold scimitar that actually turned out to be a painted wooden carnival prize.”

When the highest office in the American government routinely lies about things caught on tape or tweeted by the President himself, when it makes up “The Bowling Green Massacre” and prompts headlines like “President Trump Signs Bibles At Rally”, how can any of us ever be surprised by anything ever again?

It is a timeline as deadly as space and as immeasurable as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and anti-vaxxers, and it lies between the pit of human fears and the summit of malformed opinions masquerading as knowledge gleaned exclusively from biased sources. This is the dimension of fabrication. It is an area that we call the Tyson Zone.