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Don't Pick Fights with Old People, Joe Biden

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | December 5, 2019 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | December 5, 2019 |


An 83-year-old retired farmer, who chose not to give his name to reporters, went after Joe Biden today over Hunter Biden’s connections to the Ukranian gas company, Burisma. Joe Biden lost his cool and ended up challenging the 83-year-old man to a “push up contest” or an “IQ contest” and he also tried to catch himself before calling the man “fat.”

The voter, by the way, was not actually completely out of line. He’s a Democrat. He says he’s supporting Elizabeth Warren, and numerous people from the Obama administration have admitted — probably on MSNBC at some point — that while Joe Biden didn’t do anything wrong as it pertains to Hunter Biden working for Burisma, the entire arrangement certainly created the appearance of impropriety, aside from the allegations being made up by the White House.

Also, a lot of Democrats are looking for a tough, forceful candidate. The ad that Joe Biden released this morning reflected the kind of toughness some voters are looking for. Challenging an 83-year-old man to a push-up contest? Not so much, Joe. The man wasn’t a kook, a Trump supporter, or a conspiracy theorist. He’s an Iowa Democratic voter, and a crotchety old dude, which should be in Biden’s wheelhouse. If Joe can’t win over old people, what hopes does he have?

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