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Donny Trash Is At It Again

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 10, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 10, 2018 |


President Trump is at it again — tweeting racist shit from his phone about the NFL when he should be working proudly for the United States. Numerous tweets, from different times of the day, designed to show his “outrage” at something that even he doesn’t even genuinely care about. Through divisiveness and insults, he stokes his base, doing what he loves (mostly, playing golf and drawing attention to himself) … Be happy, be cool! Keep your head down and do the work. Twitter, where complex thoughts are reduced to a character count, is no place to protest. It’s a toxic, divisive environment full of trolls and racists. Find another way to protest. Work proudly for the entire country (and not just his supporters) or resign and step down and let someone more qualified do the job.

Context — Preseason NFL games kicked off last night, and two players — Kenny Stills and Albert Wilson of the Miami Dolphins — took a knee during the National Anthem while a handful of players around the league raised their fists while the anthem played, including the World Champion Philadelphia Eagles’ Malcolm Jenkins and De’Vante Bausby.