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Donald Trump's Gambit with Bill Clinton's Accusers Was Almost So Much Worse

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | October 10, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | October 10, 2016 |

Just how horrible a man is Donald Trump? How bullying, crass and juvenile is he? How petty and mean is he?

Yesterday, 90 minutes before the second Presidential debate — a debate to determine the leader of the free world — Donald Trump held a press conference with women who accused Bill Clinton of sexually assaulting them. Did he do this to prove what an excellent Commander in Chief he might be? Did he do this to show Americans why he’s the best choice to steward our economy for the next four years? Was he trying to prove a point about health care?

No. He did it to unnerve his opponent. He brought out women Hillary Clinton’s husband slept with to get under her skin.

How low is this man, a man who treats a goddamn debate like a WWE event? Forget every other awful thing he said at the debate for a second. Forget what he said to Billy Bush in 2005 for a moment. Forget that he threatened to imprison Hillary Clinton if he becomes President. Put everything else aside, and just focus on how bullying it is to force Hillary Clinton to confront her husband’s infidelities 90 minutes before she needed to convince the country to not vote for a mad man.

Who does that? Donald Trump is a monster, a real-life bogeyman who not only has zero respect for women, he has zero respect for people.

It could’ve been worse, too, according to The Washington Post.

Donald Trump’s campaign sought to intimidate Hillary Clinton and embarrass her husband by seating women who have accused former president Bill Clinton of sexual abuse in the Trump family’s box at the presidential debate here Sunday night, according to four people involved in the discussions.

The campaign’s plan, which was closely held and unknown to several of Trump’s top aides, was thwarted just minutes before it could be executed when officials with the Commission on Presidential Debates intervened.

The idea was that of Breitbart CEO Stephen Bannon, and Rudy Giuliani sought to execute the plan. “We had it all set. We wanted to have them shake hands with Bill, to see if Bill would shake hands with them.”

Donald Trump was trying to script a Real Housewives moment during a goddamn debate. They wanted to cause a scene, because the Presidency means nothing to this man. Nothing.

And he was going to force this confrontation in front of Chelsea Clinton, who he said he was trying to look out for in the last debate by not mentioning Bill Clinton’s infidelities.

He’s a sleaze. He’s a dirtball. He is a pig. And he’s proud of it.

And he called her the devil?