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No, Donald Trump: You Do NOT Get to Play that Card Again

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 12, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 12, 2016 |

Two days ago, Donald Trump — an orange batter-fried bag of soggy testicles — said this: “President Obama — he is the founder of ISIS. He is the founder of ISIS. He’s the founder. He founded ISIS.”

You can watch it. There’s no ambiguity here, no trace of sarcasm:

Yesterday, journalist Hugh Hewitt gave Trump a chance to clarify his statement. Hugh Hewitt even provided an easy, leading question to allow Trump to do so. Did Trump take him up on the offer?

No he did not:

So, after another bad news day for Trump, what does he finally do?

Are you fucking kidding me? NO. You do not get to take that back! No goddamn way. And then you do not get to blame it on the “dishonest” media for interpreting your comments the exact way in which you meant them.


Absolutely not.

Cut it the hell out.

Of course they do.



Reminder: “Sarcasm… the protest of those who are weak.” — John Knowles, A Separate Peace