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Donald Trump's Latest Proposal is, Well, JFC, It's a Doozy

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | June 18, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | June 18, 2018 |


In a speech that was delivered in front of people by the President of the United States in such a way that it could actually be heard by those people, Donald Trump directed General Joseph Dunford — who may or may not have been aware that it was coming — to begin the process of creating a space force.

A space force.

A Space Force.

This is not a joke. This is a real thing that our President, who is not played by Terry Crews, has proposed. And he wants it to be “separate but equal” to the Air Force, which may or may not be a dog whistle, but even the racists can’t hear it over the sound of the Space Force rockets.

Not even the press office was ready for that.

One wonders if Trump just made it up, on the spot.

Oh, I wish there were cameras on the faces of those generals.

I went diligently through Twitter thinking I might find at least one person who is in support of this proposal, but so far — and it’s early yet — I can’t even find a Twitter egg or a Russian Twitter bot who thinks, “Huh! Cool. Space Force!”

There were plenty of reactions, however.

Update: I found it! The first person to suppport Space Force, a Congressional Representative in Alabama.