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Donald Trump Picked the Wrong Goddamn Fight This Time

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | September 24, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | September 24, 2017 |

I genuinely do not know how the numbers break down, percentage-wise, but it sure as hell feels like Donald Trump has finally met his match in attacking both the NFL and the NBA this weekend (and MLB has now given him a reason to attack that sport, so it’s only a matter of time). I mean, I have a lot of problems with the NFL — domestic violence, concussions, Tom Brady — and Roger Goodell trails only Donald Trump as the second worst person in the United States, but I haven’t been able to give it up, try as I may. And in the South? Where a large part of Trump’s base resides? Football is a way of life. I mean, you guys have seen Friday Night Lights, right? It’s goddamn religion.

On Friday, Trump called out Colin Kaepernick. He called him a “son of a bitch” for expressing his freedom of speech. Here’s Colin Kaepernick’s mom (who, by the way, is a lily fucking white Christian woman):


I may be completely wrong, but it feels like something broke. Like, that was a “moment.” Donald Trump had gone too far, and instead of backing down, Trump — as he does — dug in his heels. He disinvited the NBA’s Stephen Curry from the White House after Stephen Curry had already said he wouldn’t go to the White House (nor will any of the Champion Golden State Warriors). That compelled many NBA players to speak out, including the most popular NBA player (and perhaps, most popular player in sports, period):

(And here’s Obama’s White House photographer trolling Trump again:)

Magic fucking Johnson spoke up:

And the NBA is not a problematic sport, like the NFL. Its popularity is growing again.

(Not for nothing, but the University of North Carolina also announced it wouldn’t be going to the White House yesterday, either, saying they couldn’t find a date that worked, i.e., they’re busy washing their hair.)

And suddenly, Trump has an enemy in both the NFL and the NBA, at least with the players.

And then MLB got involved. This was a hell of a moment:

And the A’s backed him:

Mostly, the back and forth has been at the player level in all three sports. I’m sure that Donald Trump thought if he limited his attacks to black players, he could stoke his base without alienating them. But I dunno. Trump has now found himself at odds with NFL’s Voldemort, Roger Goodell, who released a fairly weak statement, but one in opposition to Trump, all the same:

Trump fired back.

I mean, I wouldn’t go that far.

And the NFL league owners — so far — have backed the players, too. The Packers, Colts, Bills, Seahawks, Falcons, among others, have put out statements, the most forceful one, so far, from the Dolphins:

Even Trump buddy Robert Kraft has taken sides, and his side is the players:

But then again:

I am not sure where this leaves us, but today’s gonna be a big day in the NFL. This is going to happen on Sunday Night Football in D.C.:

I have felt pretty guilty about watching it lately, but today, I’m going to do so proudly and in support of those players who choose to take a stand against Donald Trump, bigotry, and for freedom of speech.

I won’t be alone. Ed fucking Asner will be kneeling with the rest of us:

Stevie Wonder took a knee at a concert last night!

Today, we all speak with our knees.