By Dustin Rowles | Politics | March 21, 2018 |
By Dustin Rowles | Politics | March 21, 2018 |
Yesterday, The Washington Post reported that Trump didn’t follow the advice of his national security advisors in his call to Vladimir Putin. There was a section in his briefing materials in all-capital letters stating ‘DO NOT CONGRATULATE.’”
Donald Trump congratulated.
Consequently, the late night and morning news cycle continued to suggest that Donald Trump is being compromised by Vladimir Putin. The fact that Trump also refuses to speak ill of Stormy Daniels in public or on Twitter also suggests she has compromising material on him.
There’s a pattern. Trump, who insults anyone and everyone, does not go after two people with whom he should have an oppositional relationship. It’s not rocket science.
But that was the media’s talking point in the last hour. This hour? We’re talking about how furious Donald Trump is that someone leaked to the media his national security briefing, and the thing is, it can only be a small number of advisors who had access to that briefing. From CNN:
Trump was fuming Tuesday night, asking his allies and outside advisers who they thought had leaked the information, noting that only a small group of staffers have access to those materials and would have known what guidance was included for the Putin call, the source said.According to the source, the incident resurfaces his long-held belief there are individuals inside his administration — especially in the national security realm — who are actively working to undermine him.
White House chief of staff John Kelly also is furious that a confidential presidential briefing became public knowledge, a White House official said, and intends to address the matter Wednesday as aides try to figure out who disclosed the warning.
We all know who really leaked it, don’t we? It was totally John Kelly, wasn’t it? And now Kelly is acting “furious,” when in fact, he’s trying to sound alarm bells and embarrass a President who has gone out of his way to embarrass John Kelly in recent weeks.
Or it was H.R. McMaster, who is practically already on his way out the door?
At least we know it’s not Jared Kushner, because he doesn’t have access to those materials anymore. Allegedly.
The important thing is, Trump is angry, and he’s going to spend another day dealing with this fire, and every day he’s preoccupied with a fire of his own making is another day that he doesn’t get sh*t done.
Per @kaitlancollins Trump was angrily phoning around last night asking allies who they thought might have leaked the info about his Putin call. The leak reinforced his belief that people in his admin are trying to undermine him.
— Abby D. Phillip (@abbydphillip) March 21, 2018
Damn right, they are.
There are 230 more days until the midterm.