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Donald Trump Is an Unrepentant Asshole

By Grainger Heavensbee | Politics | November 27, 2015 |

By Grainger Heavensbee | Politics | November 27, 2015 |

What did Donald Trump do this time? Is it worse than suggesting that a black protestor “should have been roughed up” after he was shoved, tackled, punched and kicked by white dudes for disrupting Trump’s speech? Is it worse than lie he keeps telling about how 80 percent of white murders are perpetuated by black people, a lie that stokes even more racial animosity (FYI: 80 percent of white murders are perpetuated by white people). Is it worse than falsely suggesting that thousands of Muslims in Jersey City were cheering after the World Trade Center Towers went down on 9/11?

No, it’s not as dangerous as those lies — and less likely to stir up the kind of hatred that will get someone killed — but it is the kind of bullshit that demonstrates what a cruel, unfeeling bully he is.

During a rally in South Carolina, Donald Trump made fun of the arm movements of a NYTimes reporter, Serge Kovaleski.

Kovaleski has arthrogryposis, a condition that affects the movement of joints and is noticeable in his right arm and hand. He has a disability. Trump was making fun of the man’s disability.

Are you fucking kidding me?

But even Trump must have realized how awful he was being, right? And for once, he finally apologized, right?

Nope. In fact, he turned it against Kovaleski. He demanded an apology from the NYTimes, saying he has no idea what Kovaleski looks like, that he was mocking the reporter, not for his disability, but for pulling away from a story he wrote 14 years ago, and that Kovaleski, “should stop using his disability to grandstand.”

What a piece of shit.