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Donald Trump Defends Penis Size, But It's Hillary Clinton Who Just Won the GOP Debate

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | March 3, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | March 3, 2016 |

If you haven’t been watching tonight’s GOP Debate, you’re not missing much. Donald Trump has “softened” his position on immigration (immigrants who attend Ivy League schools are now allowed to stay), he’s insisted that the military would follow his orders even if what he ordered was illegal, and of course he said that he has a large penis.

No, really. In a goddamn presidential debate, Donald Trump referred to the size of his penis.

He’s also commanding the talk time.

However, it is Hillary Clinton, who hasn’t spoken a word, who isn’t even in attendance, that has won the debate, not because of her silence, but because the woman knows how to meme, goddamnit.