By Dustin Rowles | Politics | April 5, 2018 |
By Dustin Rowles | Politics | April 5, 2018 |
I mentioned over on the Pajiba Slack that the boy is off school this week for Passover and he’s been watching Parks and Recreation from the beginning. We just got to the episode with Justin Theroux, which sort of blew my mind because I had no recollection of Theroux on the show before — interestingly, he plays a potential love interest to Leslie Knope in the same episode Amy Poehler’s then-husband, Will Arnett appears. Anyway, bringing up Justin Theroux prompted a conversation about Theroux’s post-divorce game, and whether he’s strategically being photographed with all of his friends right now, or if he’s just friends with a lot of celebrities — and always has been — and if the paparazzi is simply taking more interest in him now. It also prompted a few look-sees over at Theroux’s Instagram account, where it is now obvious that he was charming and beloved by lots of folks long before the Aniston divorce. He’s got great Instagram game. And then Emily reminded us that he was friends with Brenda back on Six Feet Under, which I had also completely forgotten.
Then they got to talking about the differences between the paparazzi and New York and Los Angeles and London, and how everything is supposed to be much more chill in Manhattan, but Theroux’s presence has upended that dynamic for the moment. That discussion also led back to an earlier discussion about Busy Phillips and how great she is on social media, although one of us (I won’t name who) thinks she’s a “BEC,” which is a term some of us have never heard before, but now it’s a term that we all love. It means “Bitch Eating Crackers,” and refers to someone that annoys you irrationally.
Anyway, it’s been an interesting morning. How was your day?
via HuffPo