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The Next Trump is Running Against Elizabeth Warren in 2018

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | October 18, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | October 18, 2016 |

Donald Trump may lose the election in three weeks, but his kind are not going away. Trump may get smoked in the electoral college in a national election, but expect men like Trump to surface in red states across the country. Just because it can’t succeed on a national stage doesn’t mean that sexist, racist demagogues can’t succeed in state offices.

One such figure is Curt Schilling, who announced today — pending his family’s approval — that he will run against Elizabeth Warren for her Senate seat in 2018.


I mean, come on! I have no doubt that Schilling could win in a place like Alabama or Mississippi (no offense to Alabamans or Mississippians), but Massachusetts is one of the most liberal states in the country, and yes, while they do occasionally elect Republican governors, those Republicans are of the moderate variety: Paul Cellucci, William Weld, Mitt Romney.

A Trump Republican — a phrase we should all get used to hearing — cannot win in Massachusetts, where Clinton holds a 30 point lead over the GOP nominee.

And if you don’t think Schilling — who helped the Boston Red Sox to win a World Series — is a Trump Republican, here’s Schilling trying to defend Donald Trump for his comments about the 10-year-old girl Donald Trump said he’d marry one day.

That’s Schilling getting shut down by a Fox News reporter for trying to suggest that it’s perfectly natural to look at a 10 year old and think that she’s beautiful and will one day grow up to be marriage material for a 60-year-old man.

Moreover, included among Schilling’s many other controversies since leaving baseball was a lengthy Twitter debate in which he argued against evolution; a suspension from ESPN for comparing Muslims to Nazis; and getting fired by ESPN for posting an anti-transgender meme on Facebook.

He’s a real peach.