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#NeverTrump Conservatives Now Have Another Option in the Presidential Race

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 8, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 8, 2016 |

As Republicans continue to distance themselves from their nominee, and as Donald Trump’s poll numbers continue to fall, conservatives have been searching for another candidate (besides Gary Johnson) that they can put their support behind without having to vote for their arch-nemesis Hillary Clinton. That person has reportedly availed himself to Republicans, and his name is Evan McMullin, who is launching a presidential bid as an independent candidate.

The former CIA operative, businessman, and House Chief Policy Director is apparently well connected, and he has the backing and money of key members of the Republican party.

“In a year where Americans have lost faith in the candidates of both major parties, it’s time for a generation of new leadership to step up. It’s never too late to do the right thing, and America deserves much better than either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton can offer us,” McMullin told ABC News, in launching his candidacy. “I humbly offer myself as a leader who can give millions of disaffected Americans a conservative choice for President.”

It’s not known whether McMullin can get his name on enough ballots by November to be competitive, or if he can gain enough support to enter the debates. It’s probably nothing but good news for the Democrats and Hillary Clinton, however, as McMullin ultimately will pull more votes away from Trump than Clinton. Even if he can’t pull votes away from Trump, his announcement will certainly rattle the thin-skinned Republican nominee, who will probably go on a Twitter tirade any moment now.