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'Don't Be the Asshole, America'

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | July 11, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | July 11, 2016 |

If you haven’t seen it trending on your Facebooks yet, or assumed that it wasn’t worth watching, this Jim Jefferies clip on Donald Trump is excellent, not just because it’s funny (“If you’ve ever said that you like Donald Trump because he’s a ‘straight talker,’ you’re dumb as shit’), but because there’s a lot of truth in what the Australian comedian is saying about how Trump’s agenda can in and of itself radicalize Muslims.

This line, in particular, is brilliantly profound:

“Hate doesn’t beat hate. It’s never fucking beat hate. It just makes more hate … the only thing that can beat hate is love. Now, love doesn’t always beat hate, but it does do something. Think about your own personal life. Think about a person who hates you and you hate them. From now on, show that person nothing but love. Now, I’m not saying for a second that the person will start loving you. They’ll probably still fucking hate you. But one thing will happen. Eventually, everyone will see them as the asshole. Don’t be the asshole, America.”

Give it a listen.