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'Blacks For Trump' Would Be Hilarious If It Weren't So Devastatingly Awful

By Vivian Kane | Politics | October 25, 2016 |

By Vivian Kane | Politics | October 25, 2016 |

If you saw #BlacksForTrump trending on Twitter Tuesday, you may have been a little confused, or probably assumed it was just a joke. And it was… for the most part.

Scrolling through the hashtag usage, there was actually a surprising amount of sincere tweets. But most of it was centered around the fact that Trump held a rally that featured a large number of “Blacks for Trump” signs. Thing is, they were being held by a whole bunch of white folks.

Yes, both women and “the blacks” are groups Trump would love to have support him. (You know, silently. From afar.) Their lack of presence in his court isn’t new, though.

This is almost funny. The lack of fucks the Republican party, and Trump even somehow especially, gives about everyone who isn’t a wealthy white man or member of his family does put a damper on things, doesn’t it?

And then, just to be a total killjoy, I had to go and look at that website on the bottom of those posters. I really should not have done that.

You remember that episode of The Office where Ryan sets up a “blog” for Creed, that’s really just a word document for his insane ramblings?

Yeah, someone should have opened a Word doc for this guy.


THAT’S the site listed at the bottom of all those posters. Trump’s actual campaign may not have made the signs, but he’s held them, and clearly (from all those pictures above) doesn’t have a problem with them being distributed and prominently displayed at his rallies. Here are some screen grabs from the insanity that is


Professional, no? Note that everything here is a tiny fraction of the miles long single homepage. All of this is from scrolling down. I didn’t click through anything.


If you think I watched that video, you’re a lunatic.



Hold up, they have JET SKI PARTIES?


Here’s the guy who’s actually willing to take credit for this mess.


And here’s a reminder that everything’s (probably, please God, probably) still going to be okay.
