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A Top Trump Legal Advisor Knows Exactly Who Donald Trump Is

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | November 19, 2020 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | November 19, 2020 |


I don’t know if any of you caught Rudy Giuliani’s little dog-and-pony show today, where he basically alleged (without evidence), a coordinated, centralized effort involving election officials, judges, and politicians in big cities around America — but mostly Detroit and Philadelphia — to steal the election from Trump.

The only worthwhile thing to come out of the presser is the endless speculation over what the hell this is dripping down the man’s face:

In those photos, you may also notice a blonde woman standing behind Giuliani’s left shoulder. Her name is Jenna Ellis. She’s a senior legal advisor for Trump, who — along with Giuliani — has basically taken over Trump’s entire legal and political operation in something of a campaign coup (it wasn’t hard. Jason Miller is basically the only person left, and he’s a moron).

Ellis has been pushing disinformation on Fox News and the other right-wing outlets for two weeks while ostensibly aiding Giuliani’s futile effort to overturn the election in the courts. She’s also apparently got some sort of fetish that involves standing on Dwayne Johnson.

Different strokes, I suppose.

The thing is, before Jenna Ellis began carrying water for Donald Trump, she regularly provided accurate assessments of Donald Trump on her Facebook page, and in radio interviews in Colorado. Among the words used to describe Trump by Ellis were, “idiot,” “boorish,” arrogant,” “bully,” “disgusting,” and “not a real Christian.”

From CNN:

In one March 2016 Facebook post, Ellis said Trump’s values were “not American,” linking to a post that called Trump an “American fascist.” She praised Mitt Romney for speaking out against Trump, referring to him as “Drumpf,” — a nickname coined by comedian John Oliver after a biographer revealed Trump’s ancestor changed the family’s surname from Drumpf to Trump.

“Why should we rest our highest office in America, on a man who fundamentally goes back and forth and really cannot be trusted to be consistent or accurate in anything,” Ellis said in one April 2016 radio appearance.

In March 2016, Ellis attacked Trump supporters in a Facebook post for not caring that the Republican candidate was “unethical, corrupt, lying, criminal, dirtbag.”

In another post, she said his supporters didn’t care about the truth.

“I could spend a full-time job just responding to the ridiculously illogical, inconsistent, and blatantly stupid arguments supporting Trump,” she wrote in March 2016. “But here’s the thing: his supporters DON’T CARE about facts or logic. They aren’t seeking truth. Trump probably could shoot someone in the middle of NYC and not lose support. And this is the cumulative reason why this nation is in such terrible shape: We don’t have truth seekers; we have narcissists.”

She’s also claimed that Trump is “one of the greatest threats to our liberty,” that he “can’t handle criticism,” and that he shouldn’t have been the GOP nominee.

But give her a little cash and some exposure, and Jenna Ellis has no problem whatsoever changing her opinion and making those same “ridiculously illogical, inconsistent, and blatantly stupid arguments” in support of Trump.

Here she is, meanwhile, basically begging the press to cover their legal claims, because mainstream media coverage is the only thing they can hope to win in any of this.

Shameless grifters using Christianity to justify their grifts, every last one of them.